What can YOU do NOW to help Republicans win?

There are many ways you can help NOW! Here are a few that I feel are important.

Register to vote!

Register to vote.

Make sure you are STILL registered and STILL registered as a Republican.

They cleaned the voter rolls, so make sure you weren’t removed. Also, some data “glitches” switched many people’s party without their permission. Make sure you are not a victim to either of these scenarios by checking your status now. You can’t vote in the Republican Primary nor for Republican State Committeemen and State Committeewomen (like me) if you are not registered as a Republican!

Confirm you ARE registered AND registered as the right party.

Change your party affiliation.

Request your Vote-by-Mail (VBM) ballot.

Even if you plan to vote in person, request your Vote-by-Mail (VBM) ballot, so you know no one else has it and so you can use it in an emergency, if you are unable to vote in person for any reason. If you vote in person, you can bring it with you and watch the poll workers destroy it. You need to request your Vote-by-Mail (VBM) ballot, EVEN if you got one last year, because prior requests are not valid in 2024. If you do not request it this year, you won’t get it. All Vote-by-Mail (VBM) ballot requests for 2024 must be made in 2024.

Request your Vote-by-Mail (VBM) ballot for 2024. If you do this by August 8th, you’ll get both the Primary Election ballot and the General Election ballot by mail. Again, you can still vote in person, but if you have it on hand, you have it for an emergency, plus you know it is safely in your hands.

Confirm you have requested a Vote-by-Mail (VBM) ballot for 2024.

If you do Vote-by Mail, you can track your Vote-by-Mail (VBM) ballot online, to ensure it gets delivered and counted.

Help a Republican candidate.

There are many Republicans running for office in our area and they all need help. They all need money and volunteers! I have posted a list of Palm Beach County candidates so you can easily check them all out. If you see one you like, help however you can. Donating the money you would spend on a fancy coffee in the morning will help a candidate get closer to winning. Making phone calls, sending emails or text messages, stuffing envelopes, door-knocking, or talking them up with people you know helps. Anything you are willing to do can make a difference! I volunteer for John Fischer, Palm Beach County Commissioner Candidate in District 5, and I can tell you we have tons of fun campaigning with him! We are making a difference and having a great time doing it!

Learn about Palm Beach County Republican candidates running in 2024.

Join the Republican Executive Committee (REC).

If you’ve been a registered Republican for at least 365 days, you can become a Precinct Committeeman or Precinct Committeewoman in your voter precinct, and get to know your neighbors while informing them about elections, candidates and issues that might affect them. The REC will provide you with the contact information for the Republicans in your precinct and train you on what to do. Your precinct is usually your neighborhood and few adjoining neighborhoods, unless your neighborhood is huge, in which case your precinct may only be a small part of your neighborhood. When you become a Precinct Committeeman or Precinct Committeewoman, you become a member of the REC.

Learn more about becoming a Precinct Committeeman or Precinct Committeewoman here:

Apply to become a Precinct Committeeman or Precinct Committeewoman here:

Join a Republican or conservative club in the area.

Local clubs usually meet once a month and feature speakers on various timely topics. Attending meetings and events organized by a local club is a great way to learn about what is going on, hear informative speakers, get to know your local candidates, make new Republican friends and have fun. Most clubs allow anyone to attend, although some require an RSVP, and most are free, although they do encourage donations to cover their costs.

Learn about the Republican clubs and conservative groups in Palm Beach county, Martin county and Broward county.

VOTE and get other Republicans to vote!

The most important thing you can do to help is VOTE and get every Republican you know to vote too! Vote in August, the Primary Election, which is when your School Board is elected, and vote in the General election! Both elections are important!!! Put the dates on your calendar now, so you don’t forget.

Primary Election dates of importance:

  • Deadline to register or change party: July 22, 2024
  • Deadline to request a Vote-by-Mail (VBM) ballot: August 8, 2024
  • Early Voting: August 10, 2024 – August 18, 2024
  • Election Day: August 20, 2024

General Election dates of importance:

  • Deadline to register: October 7, 2024
  • Deadline to request a Vote by Mail ballot: October 24, 2024
  • Early Voting: October 21, 2024 – November 3, 2024
  • Election Day: November 5, 2024

Learn about the Palm Beach County Republican candidates running in 2024.

The content of this page has been assembled by me and the text written by me, Jenniffer Lee, not the Republican Party, so I am solely responsible for the content and any errors that may be contained within.

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Jenniffer Lee, 7301-A W Palmetto Park Rd #100A, Boca Raton, FL 33433 JenLeeForMe@gmail.com

© 2024 by Jenniffer Lee. All rights reserved. This website was designed and paid for by Jenniffer Lee, Candidate for Palm Beach County State Committeewoman.